Thursday, February 16, 2006


Hey my people...

Just had the most amazing realisation.. My parents have been here for the past 4 weeks. and yesterday after a said goodbye to them i realised how much i admired my dad, and that he is my hero. i want to be the man he is.. secure in wo he is with a huge loving heart.

Kinda going through a phase in my life at the moment. its a mixture of confusion and something else i can not now describe. i feel i am taking shape and form but the metamorphisis of mind and charater can be a strange procedure. Obviously my recent break up with a truly special girl (we are still friends if that interests you at all) figures into my current phase but also my parents returning home brings about a longing for home, a longing for familiarlarity.. things are changing too fast. also i have had to reconsider my opinion of people as a whole. i have always been of the opinion that people are good beneath all the facades and their conciense (big spelling mistake but i have neither the desire nor the energy to use the spellcheck for a word i know like the the top of my keyboard) but recently i have been subject to and witness of some of humanity's less flattering sides and so i conclude that all men are in essence bad and their conscience dead, but God is good and if he dwells in men then they are good. Because in God good is not descriptive character trait, it is Nature. so wherever Goodness exists God exists whether we acknowledge it or not...


Blogger Unknown said...

Hmmm... nice one.
Man after the fall is actually evil at heart, until that heart is reconciled with God. As God dwells in your heart and is Holy, and he does not dwell where evil abides it is safe to say that he dispells evil and takes his rightful place. The nature is the thing that then requires much effort to train into the ways of the new heart.

PS- I'll save you the desire and energy and say that it is Conscience.

2:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems like you've been through a bit of a climb recently Tate. Yup, you are right about people, no one is perfect but hey....God is always good,the challenge is to learn to "turn lemons into lemonade" as they say.

12:39 PM  

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