The sound of silence is broken by the tapping of fingers on a keyboard far away from you, but close to your heart i hope. yes its an update on the old blog, and if you care to notice i have changed names kinda like the ring of tato fantastico.. its more wishful thinking than an apt description.
i notice too that Phoenix is cheating on us, she should be ashamed of herself.. had i not seen some of her work with the mistress i would be seething but i quite like her work on the other site too, so my full support goes out to you.
so where have i been?? what have i seen??? tato has been in hibernation perfecting the art of just being me. my mom just left today, i knopw that this event normally brings about some of my more profound musings instead today i will give you advice... Honour thy mother and father!!! love them with all that you are, because you are all that they are.
been kinda looking at renewing the mind a little bit lately. any guesses which discovery i am doing next session (if you said 2 you move to the top of the class) and i came across a wonderful revelation. The word Glory refers to the presence of God. so when the bible says God will provide according to his riches in Glory all it means is stay in His Presence and you will get presents!!!! i see that God is all about us being in his presence, he just wants to hang with us, how cool is that.
moving house pretty soon... who knows i might be moving to a street near you. anyway you are invited to a monster house warming, just ask me abt it and i'll furnish the details.
i have realised that because i joke around and say stupid stuff some people think thats all there is to me.. a comedian thats moderately funny and at times annoying. i was a bit frustrated at first but in the end comforted. truth is if you get to know me you will learn the many facets that make up tato, the danger is you are likely to leave more confused than before and convinced ever more than before of my insanity.. all the same the invitation is laid out to all and few and you.
album of the moment United... Look To You.
Sniff... sniff... please forgive me? I did not mean to be unfaithful, but I could not help myself! The lure was too strong!
Thanks for the support though! :)
And hey... I reckon tato fantastico is like an Ogre...which is like an Onion... which has LAYERS. Or was that parfait??? Nope, it was an onion if I remember correctly. :)
Hope you enjoyed your time with your mum!
How's the laptop? Am I still in mourning? or can I start to wear colour again?
Discovery 2 is by far the favorite of the 3. I've heard rumours you are starting a discovery 4 but its for ladies only?
aight tate dude new blog fired up at cheers, matt
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