Why is it that when we are hurt our first instinct is to draw back?? Why is it easier to fall into a pattern of bitterness and resentment than it is to confront our hurts? i will not deny that bitterness has driven many to success, but is that the kind of success i want? Why is it so easy to question myself and my worth because i feel you dont get it? why do we turn our backs on those who loves us to seek the affection of those who dont? are we so greedy that the love of those who have been faithful and genuine becomes old and stale and we spurn it for the chance of love from the one who doesn't acknowledge you? is it really serving if i do it in the hope that you will notice? why must you love me for me to know that God loves me? Why must you see me for me to know that i can fulfill my purpose? why is your approval necessary for me to know God's approval. Why?